The Most Famous Folklores in Scotland

Scotland has many famous folklores, tales, and myths. This is natural for any country with such a rich and colourful history. These tales show that there is so much more to Scotland than just kilts, bagpipes, and Braveheart.

These Scottish myths remind us of a time of adventure, magic, and mystery. You can surely catch a thrill by learning about the tales and even visiting these stories' sites. 

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3 Famous Folklore from Scotland

Scotland has many various folktales. And it is no surprise why, with its rich culture and vibrant history. Here are three of the most famous folklores.

1. Corryvreckan Whirlpool

The tale goes that the Norse King Breacan moored his boat close to the whirlpool to impress a local princess's father. The Princess's father wanted him to moor his ship by the whirlpool for three days and nights to prove his love. The King had three sets of rope made to keep him safely moored, one from hemp, one from wool, and one from a pure maiden's hair. 

On the first night, the hemp rope broke. One the second night, the wool rope broke. And on the third night, the maiden's hair rope broke, and the whirlpool engulfed the boat. There was one survivor, and when he dragged the King's body to the shore, the maiden whose hair was used admitted she was not pure, and that was why the rope broke.

You can visit the site and listen to the thundering maelstrom as it’s heard by up to 10 miles away.

2. Fingals Cave

One legend surrounding this beautiful and mysterious cave is the Irish Giant Finn McCool. It’s believed he built this cave and the Giant's Causeway in Ireland. Tales tell us that he constructed it so that he could cross the ocean between Ireland and Scotland without getting his feet wet.

You can visit the sea cave on the uninhabited island of Staffa in the Inner Hebrides. A truly awe-inspiring sight.

3. Nine Maidens of Dundee

The folklore tells of a farmer and his nine daughters who lived on a farm called Pitempton. After a long day of farmwork, he requested his eldest daughter to go to a nearby water well. When she didn’t return, he sent his second eldest. She, too, didn’t return, so the farmer sent the next daughter and so on. Finally, when all the daughters failed to return, the farmer went to the well to see what happened. When he arrived, he saw all his daughters' bodies spread over the ground surrounding the well. Among their bodies was a giant serpent-like dragon. The farmer quickly fled to call his neighbours for help, and soon the dragon was killed. 

If you walk down Dundee's High Street, you will come face to face with a stone statue of the dragon. And Martin's Stone, placed in honour of the hero who slew the dragon, still stands in a field on the northern fringes of Dundee. 

Do You Believe in Folklore?

These are just some of the most famous folklores in Scotland. There are many other stories that you can also look at. However, these have physical locations you can visit. 

So, will you be visiting any of these?